Women Igniting Change®

In a post pandemic world, employees are demanding that their leaders do more than just lead the business. They are looking for their companies to provide a culture of purpose and possibility, navigate changing societal expectations and build a sense of community and belonging. Leaders need to elevate and engage their people by connecting personal values with those of the entire organization, and at the same time inspire collaboration, innovation and results. Robbin Jorgensen, Founder and CEO of Women Igniting Change®, is your host. A former corporate executive who has worked with women leaders in 31 countries on 6 continents, she believes that unleashing the contribution of women is one of the key drivers to moving business and humanity forward. Join Robbin every Monday as she dives into the intersection of business results, women’s leadership and social responsibility. She’ll share interviews with decision makers, provide tangible strategies, highlight women change makers and more as she inspires you to take action…for yourself, your organization and our world.

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Monday Nov 13, 2023

“It hit me upside the head: how can a whole society be lacking in sports?” 
When Marina LeGree arrived in Afghanistan, she was struck by the lack of sport and outdoor physical activity available to Afghan citizens, particularly young women. A dedicated athlete in her youth, Marina understood the power of sport to transform a person emotionally as well as physically, and to bring out the best in oneself.  She knew she wanted to create opportunities for girls in Afghanistan to get out and enjoy their environment, and in 2015 she founded Ascend: Leadership Through Athletics, which began by taking a group of 20 girls on a mountaineering adventure, inspired by Malang Daria and Amruddin Sanjar, the first Afghan citizens to summit the country’s highest mountain. Today, the program, which has since extended its mission to Pakistan, rests on five pillars: mental health, physical fitness and nutrition, leadership and community service. The fifth element, rock climbing and mountaineering, has ceased to be a part of the program in Afghanistan since the Taliban returned to power in 2021. 
For those young women whose safety and future are threatened by this change in power, the program has proven a lifeline in more ways than one. Ascend Athletics has worked to relocate 134 alumni from the program to other countries. And the program instilled in them hope for the future, expectations for their lives and the courage to pursue it, at the risk of their very lives. Marina tells the story of Mina, who crossed through the city of Kabul in the dark alone, in danger at every turn, to board a bus for a 10 hour journey bound for what would be her new home away from her family.
However grim the circumstances for the young women in Afghanistan, the Ascend Athletics program is not meant to change or circumvent policy. Rather, it works to give girls the tools to succeed in their own context and to make change in their own societies. Join today’s conversation for more tales of bravery, resiliency and above all, hope. 
“We need exercise, we need to play, we need to use our bodies and girls are totally deprived of that in a lot of places.” (4:23 | Marina) 
“That was the biggest challenge, to figure out how to make this not a symbolic activity that would just happen once or twice for some lucky girls, but really building a program around it that could sustain and involve a lot more people.” (7:46 | Marina) 
“I really wanted to equip girls with the internal tools so that they wouldn't need Westerners propping anybody up, they would have the stuff and they would think about themselves as the change makers. So I think when you asked about successes, I think the biggest successes came when I saw the light go on, in certain girls in the program that they wanted that too.” (10:00 | Marina)
“I kept thinking of those mothers, those mothers trusted enough that in us as an organization that we would look after their girls, and they knew, like you said they knew what the future might hold. So they were giving the girls their blessing.” (21:03 | Marina)
“What impressed me about a lot of the girls is their eyes were on the prize. They wanted to get an education. That was the main thing. And a lot of them were already through high school. And they were in their university studies. They had plans and they didn't want to lose that. So yeah, it was a lot of bravery.” (33:22 | Marina)
“We could have easily filled up all of the visas and plane seats that we had with just a few lucky families. We instead chose individual girls who could then transform the lives of themselves and help their families in the future. I could hear the woman who is now our board chair saying, ‘Who is at risk?’ Dads are not really at risk. The brothers aren't. It's the girls.” (43:19 | Marina)
Connect with Marina LeGree:
Ascend: Forced to flee the Taliban, Afghan women find a home in climbing | Patagonia Films
Connect with Robbin Jorgensen (She/Her):
Website: https://womenignitingchange.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/women-igniting-change/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/robbinjorgensen/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robbin.jorgensen/
Podcast production and show notes provided by HiveCast.fm

Monday Oct 30, 2023

Kay McMahon, often hailed as the most influential figure in the world of golf, holds a distinguished position as a Ladies' Professional Golf Association (LPGA) Hall of Famer. However, her true passion lies in teaching, and through her company, Edukaytion Golf, she's determined to change how golf is taught. She believes that the golf industry has perpetuated the misconception that golf is a challenging sport, deterring many, especially women, from ever starting.
This hesitation to embrace golf can put women at a disadvantage, given that golf courses often serve as venues for valuable business networking. Kay aims to encourage more women to confidently take up the sport and open doors to business opportunities.
To achieve this, Kay emphasizes the importance of introducing girls to golf at a young age and providing them with female role models who engage in the sport casually and professionally. Despite the support Kay received from her male teammates during her time as a female pro golfer, golf remains predominantly male-dominated, with slow progress in women's inclusion. Even golf course designs favor men. Kay thoughtfully discusses how men can serve as allies to women in golf.
In today's episode of Women Igniting Change, Kay introduces her Golf 8.5 method, simplifying the steps involved in forming a golf swing. According to her, it's the first step toward confidently stepping onto the golf course.
“We don't always listen to ourselves. People say, ‘Go do this; this is what you're good at,’ and you say, ‘No, that doesn't sound like it's right.’ It's hard to sometimes sit back and just listen and say, ‘I'm pretty good at this.’” (6:29 | Kay)
“The interesting thing was that they were very supportive, all the men when I was out there. They were very supportive.” (8:26 | Kay)
“If we change how we teach it, we're going to get more golfers, especially more women, into the game.” (13:01 | Kay)
“When you walk into that boardroom, you might not know what you're doing, but you’d better walk in like you know what you're doing and you own it. I'm going to say this about women: we get to this point where we might be strong in the boardroom, or in corporate America, or globally corporate, but all of a sudden, we get on the golf course and get meek again.” (17:43 | Kay)
“Golf courses are really designed for men.” (21:29 | Kay)
“I think we really need to encourage high school girls to start playing earlier, too…Not every girl is going to get on the LPGA Tour. But every girl doesn't have to be left at the office as they get into corporate America.” (25:44 | Kay)
“I was offered one of my first jobs with IBM because of two things: I was a woman; I could play golf. And that makes a big difference. People think the deals are made on the golf course. No, what you're doing is you're developing those relationships, you're out there doing something with somebody else. And I think that's a big deal.” (26:28 | Kay)
Connect with Kay McMahon:
Blog on website:
Other social links:
Podcast production and show notes provided by HiveCast.fm

Monday Oct 16, 2023

“If you want to be known for some type of social change and social impact, what does that look like for you?” 
In recent years especially, we’ve watched as major corporations use their profiles and platforms to bring attention to key issues affecting our world. To help promote climate justice, U.S. clothing brand Patagonia contributes 1% of their profits to organizations working to save the environment. American ice cream manufacturer Ben & Jerry’s adorns the walls of its headquarters with information on U.S. voting laws. P&G (Procter & Gamble) has launched campaigns promoting gender equality and helping to eradicate stereotypes. 
You, too, are a brand, and as a female leader you have an unrivaled power to affect social change. Yet, many women keep the causes they’re most passionate about to themselves. On today’s episode, Robbin offers a series of tips for engaging in your own personal brand activism. She explains how to let the world know more about your cause, strengthen your professional association to it, amplify your voice, and deal with the inevitable criticism you’ll receive when you do.
Take a stand with your brand. Not only will you experience a deeper sense of purpose and meaning in your life but you’ll raise awareness around what deeply matters to you.
“Now more than ever, consumers are choosing to purchase from brands that align with their own personal values and what they believe. And they're really voting with their wallets for the type of businesses that they want to see in the world. It's just something that's really evolved over the last couple of years.” (4:43 | Robbin) 
“Brand activism exists at the intersection of what people want, what the world needs, and what a brand uniquely offers.” (5:00 | Robbin)
“Here's the thing: You are a brand. What you value, what you believe, how you position yourself out into the world, how you position yourself in the marketplace. And this is regardless of whether you are still inside an organization or whether you own your own business on the other side of the fence.” (5:14 | Robbin)
“One of the things I believe to my core is that every woman on this planet has some type of idea for social change or social impact that could revolutionize her community, her organization, her industry, or the world. We all have that. There's just a fear around putting that out there. But we are the key to solving some of the most pressing global challenges of our time. It is women, it is us, and it is getting ready to put ourselves out there in a larger way, and take a stand for what matters for us.” (6:08 | Robbin) 
“I want to give you a little bit of a caveat: When you do start doing this, you are going to have people who completely align with what you have to say, you're going to have people who think you're nuts, and you are going to have detractors who are going to poke holes in what you’re saying.” (7:52 | Robbin)
Patagonia Climate Justice: https://www.patagonia.com/actionworks/campaigns/climate-justice-is-social-justice/
Ben & Jerry’s - Silence Is Not An Option
Together, We Can Reimagine Criminal Justice Reform
P&G - The Best Men Can Be
Widen the Screen
Run Like a Girl
Connect with Robbin Jorgensen (She/Her):
Website: https://womenignitingchange.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/women-igniting-change/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/robbinjorgensen/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robbin.jorgensen/
Podcast production and show notes provided by HiveCast.fm

Monday Oct 02, 2023

“Women’s ability to adapt, to transform their lives and the lives of their families and communities, I've seen that all over the world.” As an international women’s rights advocate for the last 30 years, Karen Sherman has not only seen women transform their lives, she’s helped them do it. In her latest venture as founder and CEO of Virunga Mountain Spirits, she is creating jobs for Rwandan women as alcohol-makers, a profession women have turned to support themselves since the beginning of time. She has created a sustainable production process in conjunction with a local chip factory to make vodka from the region’s “unloved” potatoes. The process also gives back to the land and to local farmers by turning all refuse into livestock feed and fertilizer. 
When a woman earns her own income she gets to voice decisions in her own life and make choices about where her money goes and to whom. Once this level of empowerment is established for women in Rwanda, they have potential to then start their own businesses and to lead their own communities toward change. A large part of Karen’s job as a womens’ rights advocate is to be a humble and respectful champion, recognizing that no outside force can create sustainable change in another country.
Women are survivors–of everything from war to violence to lack of opportunity–and have the power to rebuild their lives, as the title of Karen’s book suggests, “Brick by Brick.” Listeners of today’s episode will learn what they can do to get involved and support global women empowerment, misconceptions about social change and why cynicism and pessimism are luxuries. 
Show keywords: #femaleempowerment #sustainablechange #creatingchange #RwandanWomen
“Men would come in, and say, ‘I just need a million dollars, because I've got this great idea, and it's gonna be amazing.The women would come in and say, I've got this great idea, and I need $50. And I can run with that. And that is really the fundamental difference.” (2:54 | Karen)
“I'm not Rwandan, I can't pretend to be Rwandan, I'm not an Afghani woman. I really feel like the women in their countries should lead. It is really up to them to drive change. Where I feel like I can be helpful and when I'm wearing my development hat, is really as a champion, an advocate, really a catalyst, if you will. It isn't for me to drive change in another society.” (5:59 | Karen)
“We've all had to survive something in our lives, whether it be violence, or abuse, or just a lack of resources or opportunity, the lack of schooling. So to me, it's sort of what do you do with that? How do you rebuild your lives a brick at a time?” (8:37 | Karen)
12:25 - "While education gives women voice, it's really the income piece that gives women choice. One without the other is really insufficient for transformation and social change." (12:43 | Karen)
“You don't have to do everything, you can pick a thing that really means something to you. And you can start small, just pick something: a place, an area that you feel like you want to make a difference because it resonates with you. And you know, let your passion drive you forward.” (23:13 | Karen)
Connect with Karen Sherman:
Bio: https://www.karensherman.org/about
Book - Brick by Brick: https://www.karensherman.org/brick-by-brick
Virunga Mountain Spirits: https://www.karensherman.org/virunga-mountain-spirits
UN Women:  www.unwomen.org
School of Leadership Afghanistan (SOLA): https://www.sola-afghanistan.org/
Podcast production and show notes provided by HiveCast.fm

Monday Sep 18, 2023

“People can’t conceptualize what they don’t see,” says Deshanna Wiggins, CEO of the Albany Black Chamber of Commerce (ABCC) and Social Club, who was recently nominated into the Power 50 list for the Albany Business Review. Growing up in the capital region, Deshanna felt that her only opportunities lay in the public sector and left for Atlanta to pursue a career as a communications executive and director of courtroom operations. She has since returned to the area to help create platforms and spaces for Black and minority businesses and to inspire Black entrepreneurship and economic development. With 35 percent of the area population being over 65 and 30 percent of the area population under 18, she hopes to help that middle demographic who are enterprising and innovative and setting up businesses. She wants to show the rest of the country that the city is a formidable player on the national stage, and that diversity is a major contributing factor to its success. 
No matter how much a majority-white organization is focused on inclusivity, representation is important, and emerging Black entrepreneurs need to see people who look like them running a variety of businesses. Deshanna describes the four pillars upon which her programs are built to establish equitable business in the bipoc community and the biggest challenges she faces as a leader. She explains the importance of collaboration and the benefits of promoting opportunity over charity, the latter of which often catches people in a bad cycle. More important than giving everyone a piece of the pie is creating opportunities for everyone to get their own pie with the flavor of their choice. 
Staying true to your mission is crucial to yielding the results you want. Deshanna remains true to herself in every room she enters, and she discusses the importance of authenticity in leadership. 
#blackentrepreneurship #diversity #representation
“White men are great. They've set up the enterprise for this country but there are other people here…if we don't give them those opportunities, then we'll see the same that we've always seen.” (6:43 | Deshanna)
“When I walk in the room, and I'm the only one, it’s a problem because people want to be in spaces with other people that look like them… if those environments aren't created, then we have issues.” (13:44 | Deshanna)
“It is important because this area is not going to survive…in order for an area to exist, it has to embrace diversity, it has to embrace businesses of all colors and backgrounds, in order to really thrive.” (21:32 | Deshanna)
“A lot of time, if you go to a majority white organization, and they're wanting to be inclusive and do programming, yet, the vendors that they use are not of color…I think the chamber will be that middle ground of bringing those conversations where people come and feel safe enough to open up to be able to foster those relationships.” (28:19 | Deshanna)
“Investment is the biggest piece. We've got the time, we've got the talent, but…capital is certainly necessary to get us there.” (39:53 | Deshanna) 
Connect with Deshanna Wiggins:
Website: https://bfg.org/what-we-do/albany-black-chamber-of-commerce/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AlbanyBlackChamberofCommerce
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/albanyblackchamber/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/albanyblackchamberofcommerce/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@albanyblackchamber
Podcast production and show notes provided by HiveCast.fm

Monday Sep 04, 2023

“If you looked at my life, you would say this person has life by the tail. But in reality, I was living a life of turmoil because of this internal gender dilemma,” explains Gabrielle Claiborne, co-founder and CEO of Transformation Journeys Worldwide, a transgender-focused inclusion training and consulting firm. 
Through her work, she helps organizations around the world create cultures of belonging for trans and gender expansive individuals and those who live beyond the binary. On today’s episode, of Women Igniting Change, she addresses some of the common misconceptions organizations have around working with transgender, gender nonconforming, and non-binary individuals and provides tips for creating a more inclusive and respectful work environment.
She shares the lessons she has learned about the power of authenticity, lessons that are included in her book “Embrace Your Truth: Our Journey of Authenticity” and her TED Talk “Building Your Courage Muscles.”  Living authentically, she says, is not easy but it’s directly and proportionately related to our life purpose. 
Educating people about the lived experiences of gender non-conforming individuals includes meeting your audience where they are, and helping them to recognize that we have more in common than not. It’s important not to just be an ally but a “heart ally.” 
Gabrielle offers advice to listeners as to what they can do to support trans and gender nonbinary people in their own communities, especially as legislation continues to pass that will eventually affect all of us. 
“I moved through life the way culture expected a straight cisgender man to move through life.” (2:06 | Gabrielle)
“We invite our clients to understand that this is a journey, not a destination.” (7:19 | Gabrielle)
“You not only have to be personally culturally competent, but you also have to be organizationally, culturally competent.” (7:45 | Gabrielle)
“To folks who are listening, you don't understand the ripple effect that you are setting, that ripple effect of doing nothing, or that ripple effect of standing up and speaking up on someone's behalf. You don't know what kind of wake you're leaving behind you or permission you’re giving to other folks.” (24:09 | Gabrielle)
Connect with Gabrielle Claiborne:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gabrielle-claiborne/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GabrielleClaiborne/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gaby.claiborne/
Website: https://transformationjourneysww.com/
TedX Talk: Building Your Courage Muscles
Book: Embrace Your Truth:  A Journey of Authenticity
Bio: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AtHcOJQEnqDB7wYlVnbeDyl4sufYaZpQ/view
Resources: https://transformationjourneysww.com/resources/
Equality Act: https://act.americanprogress.org/page/27164/action/1
Podcast production and show notes provided by HiveCast.fm

Monday Aug 21, 2023

“I was blown away by how much symmetry and how many implementable lessons there were, from what I was doing every day when I was working with babies, that I could weave that into my own life and share with others.” - Sue  Ludwig
Sue Ludwig is a speaker, consultant, and author of the award-winning book “Tiny Humans, Big Lessons”.  She is a licensed occupational therapist, certified neonatal therapist, and serves as the media expert in neonatal therapy for the American Occupational Therapy Association.  
She is also the president and founder of the National Association of Neonatal Therapists (NANT).  NANT was founded as a way for occupational therapists, physical therapists and speech therapists to find community and connection and share information and resources about the very specific work they do for premature babies in the NICU. Aligning three such specific fields of study into a common mission can be challenging, as is raising funds for ongoing research, and bringing NANT’s holistic approach to the NICU’s high-tech environment, as Sue explains. 
Like premature babies, we all can feel fragile and small at times. Sue shares lessons from her book which she gleaned from her work that we can all apply to our ongoing emotional development, such as being mindful of every ounce of energy we expend. She also offers advice to fellow and aspiring changemakers about the importance of a shared purposeful mission, mentorship (official and unofficial) and self care. Change won’t happen overnight, and she shares how to get specific about your mission and how to develop emotional resilience. 
Intention itself is not enough, and you must have compassion for yourself when things inevitably go wrong. Hear Sue discuss her big future vision for NANT and what listeners can do to advocate for better neonatal care and therapies in their communities. 
“I was blown away by how much symmetry there was, and how many really implementable lessons there were from what I was doing… it was so transformational in my own life, I had to share it with other people.” (13:01| Sue)
“‘You can have the greatest mission statement in the world, but it's pointless unless you have people who are on a mission.’ …it will not get off the ground without people with you who are on that same mission.” (26:13 | Sue) 
“One really important thing… is just really believing that taking care of ourselves isn't selfish.” (27:45 | Sue)
“A lot of times, they're real reactive situations, and I try to just say, ‘Wait, pause…whatever that reaction might be. I try to always just pause first because there's a lot of natural intelligence in the pause.” (29:39 | Sue)
“Our intentions aren't guaranteed, it's just how we keep showing up for them, that matters.” (33:26 | Sue) 
Connect with Sue Ludwig:
NANT: https://neonataltherapists.com/
Website: https://sueludwig.com/book/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/thesueludwig
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sueludwig
IG: https://www.instagram.com/sue.ludwig/
LI: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sueludwig/
Bio: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pvqPXPNDLQ21H4QSmNn1N7xJTOoIawKo/view
Podcast production and show notes provided by HiveCast.fm

Monday Aug 21, 2023

On today’s solo episode, Robbin is going to help you narrow down and organize your social impact ideas–by literally throwing them up against the wall and seeing what sticks! One of the many brainstorming methods she’ll walk you through is creating a post-it board wall. With this method, you’ll arrange your ideas for making an impact and creating social change–around such issues as race and the environment–into affinity groups and columns of descending order of importance. Another method she shares for gathering ideas is to have an “awareness week,” tapping into the world around you–your environment, your social circle, your reading materials–to gather topics that really speak to you. 
She’ll also help you to determine “hunger type” to determine your true motivation and method for making change. Additionally, you can conduct mini-interviews with those around you, asking them to tell you what actually lights you up inside. Turning the interview on yourself, you can ask what Robbin calls “The Warren Buffett question,” about what you would do with a large sum of money if it were magically gifted to you. Whatever exercise you choose, you must first suspend any judgment of your ideas and let them flow freely. Too often, as women, we overanalyze, dismissing our ideas before they even have a chance to take off. 
The challenge you are passionate about was given to you for a reason. Grab your post-its, pens and journal, get ready to brainstorm your ideas and share what you came up with at support@womenignitingchange.com! Soon you’ll be on your way to igniting change of your own!
“Don't prejudge any idea or category that you come up with based on how hard or easy you think it might be to execute. Just let your ideas flow, do a major data dump and don’t prejudge anything that comes out of your head.” (1:22 | Robbin)
“Identify your unique type of hunger. So for those of you that know Women Igniting Change, you know that one of the workshops that we deliver is called “The Bigger Game.” It's a tic tac toe board with nine squares and one of the squares is The Hunger Square. It's that deep desire and yearning for something more, something bigger than you.” (7:57 | Robbin)
“What do other people observe in you around a social impact category that totally lights you up?” (10:14 | Robbin) 
“Every single woman has an idea around social impact and around social change that can revolutionize her community, her industry, her organization, and/or the world.” (12:00 | Robbin) 
Podcast production and show notes provided by HiveCast.fm

Monday Aug 21, 2023

“Given the nature of social justice and social impact challenges that we're facing as a country and as a world, this is the perfect time to launch this podcast,” explains Robbin Jorgensen, Host of the Women Igniting Change® Podcast. The podcast is based around the core belief that women have the untapped ability to solve the world’s most pressing issues, both within their own communities and in the larger world. Every woman has her own unique contribution to make and an inner spark which–even if it’s been extinguished–once reignited can change the world. 
Robbin shares the story of traveling to Rwanda, first in 2017 with Mercer on Mission, led by Professor Etienne Musonera of Mercer University in Atlanta. There she worked with women who became widows as a result of the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi. In 2019, she began organizing the building of an economic empowerment center for women in Huye in the Southern Province of Rwanda. 
Of course, with so many changes taking place in the last few years, the needs and goals of all involved have changed, but Robbin’s mission remains the same. Her story proves that no matter what anyone else has to say about your mission, by following your own inner voice, you, too, can ignite change. 
“I want to serve women who deeply care about social justice and social change, and want to make the world a better place. I want to provide a platform for you to be inspired by women who are changing the world, leveraging their passions and their gifts. I want to provide tips and trainings on how you can affect change in your own community in your own lives.” (1:02 | Robbin) 
“Belief number one is that unleashing the contribution of women is a critical catalyst to solving some of the most pressing global challenges of our time…every woman has an idea around implementing social change or social impact that can revolutionize her community, her industry, her organization and or the world.” (1:48 | Robbin)
“We all have those moments in our lives when we have to make a decision that doesn't always make sense to the outside world and might seem a little nuts. But inside you know it's something that you are meant to do. And through this podcast, I want to invite you to pay attention to those whispers a little bit more, especially around social justice, and social change ideas and ways that you want to affect change. I want you to start paying attention to those whispers and take action when you hear them and when they show up.” (5:49 | Robbin) 
“Any social impact idea that you have, give it permission and breathing room to grow, evolve and change as you do…it doesn't have to look just one way.” (9:20 | Robbin)
Podcast production and show notes provided by HiveCast.fm

Monday Jun 12, 2023

As a global speaker, corporate executive, and founder and CEO of Women Igniting Change, Robbin Jorgensen has worked with women leaders in more than a dozen countries across six continents serving leading international brands. She believes that women’s contributions are key to driving business and humanity forward. Join her every other Monday as she interviews women decision makers and change makers and discusses strategies across topics such as business, women’s leadership and social responsibility.


Women Igniting Change®

Founder and CEO of Women Igniting Change®, is your host. A former corporate executive, passionate human and women's rights activist, and global speaker, who has worked with women leaders in 14 countries on 6 continents believes that unleashing the contribution of women is one of the key drivers to moving business and humanity forward.

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